钢琴 serve an indispensable role in a conservatory education. Factor in the piano’s part in preparing graduates for satisfying careers in the arts, and you’ll find many good reasons why Shenandoah ... 继续阅读 将All-施坦威
Have Your Cake and Eat It Too: 谢南多厄音乐学院 Celebrates All-施坦威学校 Designation
A life-sized 施坦威 Model “B” piano cake created by Buddy Valastro of Carlo’s Bake Shop topped off 澳门线上赌博平台大学’s Sept. 25 celebration of the completion of its All-施坦威学校 ... 继续阅读 鱼与熊掌兼得……
施坦威的 & Sons Model D (also known as the "Concert Grand") is the overwhelming choice of artists and educational institutions throughout the world. It is the standard by which all other concert grand pianos are judged. At 8' 11 3/4" (274cm) in length, this majestic musical instrument is the overwhelming choice to the world's greatest pianists. This piano will completely satisfy those who desire the highest possible level of musical expression.
This magnificent seven-foot grand piano is often described as “the perfect piano.” In terms of balance, beauty and power, it has no equal. The choice of top recording 工作室s, it is also the piano many 施坦威 artists have in their homes. Wonderfully balanced and versatile, it performs extremely well in both intimate settings and mid-sized venues. It is the musical instrument that those who love the piano can’t wait to play. No matter where you want to go, this piano will get you there.
At 6 feet 2 inches, this amazing piano sounds like a much larger model. The powerful yet warm sound is the result of an amazing scale design that allows the solid spruce soundboard to freely and efficiently vibrate, producing a sound that simply cannot be experienced in any piano other than a 施坦威. Its slightly longer keys give the player a sense of heightened sensitivity and control. The size of this piano is large enough to satisfy those who demand a full, rich bass — yet small enough to beautifully fit into almost any 工作室.
施坦威的 designed Boston Piano — long unrivaled in its class and unmatched in value — has been significantly enhanced with the introduction of the new Performance Edition. The Boston Performance Edition features improvements in materials, 规范, and performance never before seen in the mid-price range.
2011年9月, 澳门线上赌博平台大学 launched its All-施坦威学校 Initiative and since then, 筹集了2美元.7 million to add 27 new 施坦威s and 57 施坦威-produced Bostons to 谢南多厄音乐学院’s fleet of concert, 工作室, 还有钢琴排练. The fundraising campaign was slated take five years yet the university, with support from generous donors, 四分钟就完成了. Now that the initiative is completed, 谢南多厄音乐学院 joins an elite group—seven conservatories in the United States and a total of 14 worldwide—that bear the coveted “All-施坦威学校” status, affirming its commitment to excellence in pre-professional training for all students. Below are the people and organizations that provided major gifts in contribution to the success of this initiative.
Mr. James C. Baratta
夫人. C. J. 波登
Dr. &夫人. 罗伯特F. Boxley
Dr. 苏米. & Mr. 詹姆斯E. 博伊德
Dr. 德隆·罗伯特·博伊尔斯
夫人. 米歇尔年代. 露营者
Ms. 辛西娅·卡尔顿
Dr. Frans Claasen
牧师. Dr. 朗达·范戴克·科尔比
Dr. 劳拉·N. Dabinett & Dr. 罗素B. 马克威
Dr. & 夫人. 詹姆斯一. 戴维斯
Mr. & 夫人. 布鲁斯·E. 唐宁
Mr. & 夫人. H. 罗伯特•爱德华兹
Dr. & 夫人. 威廉·W. 埃利斯
Dr. 特蕾西·菲茨西蒙斯
夫人. 简米. 福斯特
Mr. & 夫人. 约翰·弗雷德里克·弗雷
Dr. & 夫人. 猎人米. 憔悴的小.
夫人. Ruann N. 乔治
牧师. Dr. 格雷戈里·L. 海斯
Mr. & 夫人. 伯吉斯L. 霍夫曼
大卫L. 霍夫曼
Mr. & 夫人. 约翰D. 霍华德
Ms. 坎德拉W. 英格拉姆
Dr. & 夫人. 格伦·C. 凯斯勒
Dr. & 夫人. James C. 前者
Dr. Madlon T. & Dr. 詹姆斯·H. 持久之人
马约莉 & 约翰•路易斯
奥布里·R的遗产. Liskey
Mr. & 夫人. 德维恩Mauck
上校. 帕特西L. 麦凯维美国海军Ret
夫人. 玛丽L. 米勒
夫人. 安妮B. 米切尔
埃莉诺·P. 纳汉
Dr. & 夫人. 斯图尔特一. 梦露
沙龙 & 米切尔摩尔
Mr. & 夫人. 拉塞尔·杰伊·莫舍
Mr. & 夫人. Mark J. Ohrstrom
黛布拉·斯图尔特 & 罗伯特·杰拉德·奥巴茨
Mr. & 夫人. 查尔斯·B. 理查森
Mr. & 夫人. 格伦·B. 鲁迪
Mr. & 夫人. 迈克尔一个. Rutkaus
牛顿B. Shingleton信任
玛丽 & 唐Shockey
Dr. & 夫人. 特里L. 辛克莱
Ms. 斯蒂芬妮林恩斯莫尔
凯 & J.J. 史密斯
Mr. & 夫人. 兰迪·R. 斯托顿
Mr. & 夫人. 詹姆斯一. Szoka三世
Virginia Foundation for Independent Colleges
夫人. 海伦H. 沃克
凯瑟琳·米. & 鲁珀特•W. 沃纳
Dr. & 夫人. H. 小乔治·怀特.
Mr. 格雷格·怀尔德
Mr. 詹姆斯·R. 威尔金斯三世
Mr. & 夫人. 詹姆斯·R. 威尔金斯小.
Mr. & 夫人. 艾伦·L. •伍兹